Thursday 16 December 2010


Things Japanese People Can Do On Bikes Which Apparently No-One Else Can

1) Hold umbrellas
This is technically illegal, but everyone does it. You cycle on the pavement so you don't need to signal, leaving one hand free to hold the umbrella and the other to steer. Usually safe enough, except when holding the umbrella right in front of your head against the wind, which blocks your view. Yes, I saw a guy doing that.

2) Text
This is quite an incredible skill. I've been able to hold a phone to my ear while cycling, since you still have eyes on the road, but to text you need to be able to watch two things at once. To be fair, I have seen mostly girls doing this (it is multi-tasking, after all), but I would definitely crash into the nearest lamppost/wall/pedestrian/small child if I tried it.

3) Smoke
Okay, so maybe anyone could do this, but wouldn't the cigarette just blow out?

4) Ride up ridiculously long hills without gears
Japanese bikes are available very cheaply, because everyone has them, so they come without gears. The hill on the way back to our dorms is hell, but the guys seem to cycle up it with absolutely no problems. Maybe it's a proof of manliness thing and actually they're dying inside.