Tuesday 22 November 2011

Some Hope

I've recently applied for a job teaching businessmen (and possibly schoolchildren) English in Tokyo. I've got myself an interview, which was the first surprise, as I have no experience in teaching and no specific teaching qualifications. It seems to be a really respectable company, and the pay is probably better than what I'd get for a graduate position in England. 

To have a graduate job in Tokyo doing what I want to do, i.e. teaching adults, secured this early in the year would be unbelievable. Which is why I'm trying my best for it. It's just that, as I've found since the first time I ever applied for a part-time job in a printing shop back in London, I'm awful at interviews. I get nervous, freeze up and forget every word I ever knew. (You can imagine how I did in the recent Japanese language interview practice classes at university.) For this one, at least I won't have to speak Japanese, but even in English I have trouble. 

Also, the interview will be on Skype, which means I'll have to rely on the internet - never a good thing. 

Still, there's a small amount of hope building inside my head. And the very fact that I got an interview for this job is hopeful for others, if I have to apply again. 

So, in two weeks' time, I'll update you on how it went. Wish me luck...

Wednesday 16 November 2011

New Ambitions

I left Japan from Hiroshima International Airport at 8am on the 13th August 2011. Two of my best friends came to the airport (one voluntarily, one following orders) to see me off. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. 

I've never felt particularly drawn to writing about it, because I'd rather not recall the memories, but now there's a positive slant. 

Since the very day I left, I knew I wanted to go back, but I'm not an impulsive person (and I have a very level-headed family who think I'm a little insane), so I waited until I'd gotten back into daily university life to decide properly. Nothing changed. I still dream of Japan now in November as much as I did in August. So I made the decision once and for all, to try and find English teaching work in Tokyo for after I graduate this summer. 

It's quite a bad state to be in, but I don't live for the present right now. Everything I do is thinking ahead to getting back to Japan. And I know while I was in Japan before I didn't keep up my blog very well, but I'd really like to try and keep writing about the process of finding work, getting back there, and starting teaching. 

So those are my new ambitions, and I hope you can cheer me on!